your result: mindful inclusion
This free assessment is simply a tool to see where your perception of your group or organization is on our model of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It includes topics to focus on for workshops, as well as topics that may not work for you. For a more in-depth assessment, you can contact us for more. We would love to join you on your DEI journey!
Individual differences are recognized as an advantage. Policies and practices are restructured with an inclusive lens, ensuring power sharing at all levels of the organizational system. All aspects of the organization are actively examined to identify barriers that impede people's ability to contribute.
All identities are accepted and welcomed through deliberate methodical engagement and dialog efforts. Those who experience marginalization are rewarded for pointing out obstacles that keep them from feeling included and valued.
Individuals from traditionally dominant groups actively advocate for policy changes and ensure valued participation and voice for members of all identity groups throughout the organization. They commit to dismantling racism in the wider community.
What can be helpful
Your organization seems very inclusive! At this stage, a consultation with a facilitator would be best to see what would work for your group. For a more in-depth assessment, feel free to contact us.