your result: transitional inclusion
This free assessment is simply a tool to see where your perception of your group or organization is on our model of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It includes topics to focus on for workshops, as well as topics that may not work for you. For a more in-depth assessment, you can contact us for more. We would love to join you on your DEI journey!
Characteristics of an organization in this stage are: the organization sees itself as a “woke” and “welcoming,” despite only a few members of traditionally marginalized groups holding valued positions. Well-intended change stalls when dominant group members’ discomfort of new cultural styles results in embracing commonalities over differences. Most successful efforts result in symbolic change.
To be regarded in good standing, members of traditionally marginalized groups are encouraged to suppress their identities and cultures. They are assigned roles based on their identity rather than actual organizational responsibility or experience.
Members of traditionally dominant groups recognize their own privilege and the marginalization of others, although they are unaware of the full extent. They are uncomfortable making changes that impact status quo culture and policies. They may challenge whether people who are unlike them are the most qualified candidates.
What can be helpful
Active listening, discussing assumptions and judgements, discussing impact versus intent, using "I" statements, individual assessments, discussing privilege, and more! For a more in-depth assessment, feel free to contact us.