Your result: emerging inclusion
This free assessment is simply a tool to see where your perception of your group or organization is on our model of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It includes topics to focus on for workshops, as well as topics that may not work for you. For a more in-depth assessment, you can contact us for more. We would love to join you on your DEI journey!
Some characteristics of an organization in this stage include accepting a limited number of traditionally marginalized group members who do not ruffle any feathers and have "proper" perspective and credentials. Other individuals from traditionally marginalized groups are likely excluded despite the presence of official policies proclaiming inclusivity.
Members of traditionally marginalized groups are welcomed if they adopt the norms set by dominant group members, which are often difficult to learn and adapt to. They are pressured to fit in and are fearful of speaking up.
Traditionally dominant group members are conscious that marginalization exists and are hesitant to accept that they gain benefit from it. In fear of doing or saying the “wrong” things and/or being judged, they often choose to do nothing.
What can be helpful
Active listening, discussing judgements and judgement words, discussing privilege and marginalization, using "I" statements, implicit bias, allyship, and more! For a more in-depth assessment, feel free to contact us.