Olympia Community Discrimination Assessment Information Session
For Community Partners only.

Days & Times
May 18, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
About the Program
Both meetings are the same. This registration is for May 18. (Click here to register for May 23.)
Community partners and leaders - we invite you to join us for an overview of this city-wide effort to collect data on residents' experiences of discrimination. It's goal is to develop guiding principles and values in the city's decision-making process, and your help in reaching every single Olympian within the communities you serve.
The assessment will be done in a survey format. To maximize our reach, we will utilize the following methods:
- Survey will be available in at least 3 languages (English, Spanish and Vietnamese).
- Email link of the survey sent to you and your organization's liaisons.
- Promote on mainstream media and social media and hope you share on yours.
- Provide printed cards for distribution at your front office.
- Host survey stations (with tablets) at community spaces and events such as Olympia Senior Center, farmers market and food bank distribution sites.
We would love to know which of the above is most useful to your organization, what else can we do to ensure your members are included, and how are you able to support us in these efforts (e.g. provide volunteers, translators, host in-person events, etc.).